
Beginning Band

SFCA’s instrumental music program begins in the 5th grade, with Beginning Band Class that meets during the school day. Students learn the basics of playing a wind or percussion instrument, how to read music and perform as a group. The Beginning Band performs at Christmas and Spring Concerts, and the last Elementary Chapel of the year.

Concert Band

The Concert Band is for middle school students who have completed at least one year in Beginning Band. The focus of this group is developing technique on the instrument as well as over all musicianship. This band performs at Christmas and Spring Concerts. They also play at either the ACSI Band Festival or Florida Bandmasters Music Performance Assessment each year for a rating from three judges.

Students are encouraged to participate in the SFCA King’s Pep Band and the Solo and Ensemble Event each year. They are also eligible to audition for the All-State Band which performs in Tampa at the annual Music convention.

Symphonic Band

Symphonic Band is an audition-only group for High School Students who have completed at least two years in Concert Band or by special audition. Music Theory, History and challenging repertoire are learned with this group. This band performs at the Christmas Concert, Spring Concert, and either the ACSI Band Festival, Florida Bandmasters Music Performance Assessment, or SFCA’s MPA event each year. They also have performed at the Edison Holiday House, Orlando Fest Competition, Disney Magic Music Days, McGregor Baptist Church Christmas Events, and the Golden Halo Teachers Awards.

Students are encouraged to participate in the SFCA King’s Pep Band, Solo and Ensemble Event, Jazz Band, and other music ensembles each year. They are also eligible to audition for the All-State Band which performs in Tampa at the annual Music convention.

Symphonic Band Honors

Symphonic Band offers an honors track for motivated High School students, during which student musicians meet specific requirements in these categories: Individual Instruction, Solo Performances, Ensemble Participation, Leadership and Service, and Written projects.

SFCA King’s Pep Band

The SFCA King’s Pep Band provides crowd-rousing stand music for the Varsity Home Football Games. Pep Band is open to all Symphonic Band members, as well as Concert Band members with director approval.

SFCA King’s Drumline

The SFCA King’s Drumline is an auditioned group of percussionists who energize the crowd and motivate the athletes during Varsity Football Games, Pep Rallies, and other events.

SFCA King’s Jazz Band

The SFCA King’s Jazz Band is a group of high school students who meet outside of school hours to learn and perform a variety of jazz repertoire. The jazz band have their premiere concert in the fall and have performed in the Christmas and Spring Band Concerts, Clergy Chapel, and other special events. Jazz Band is an auditioned or director-approved group.