Elementary School

A Private Elementary School
that Celebrates Your Child’s Gifts

Providing a solid academic and faith foundation for students in K-5

As a parent, you see your child’s strengths and talents — and you may even already catch glimpses of God’s plan for their life. At Southwest Florida Christian Academy, we want to help you highlight those gifts and support your child’s growth spiritually, academically, and personally.

Our private Christian elementary school in Fort Myers, FL, ties all of those components together in our curriculum and methodology, so every child can thrive.

Below, you’ll find a brief overview of what our private Christian elementary school offers, including:
Educational Approach
Meet a Teacher

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An Education for the Whole Child

At Southwest Florida Christian Academy, students are individually known and cared for as they develop a lifelong love of learning. Our talented teachers create engaging lessons that nurture and challenge students in a well-managed environment where they feel safe, loved, and respected.

Plus, all the Christian values you teach at home are reinforced throughout the school day, with daily Bible classes and weekly Chapel services. Your child will not just memorize the Fruits of the Spirit, they’ll learn to incorporate values such as love, joy, and kindness into their lives. 

A counselor visits each classroom once a month to help teach about building friendships, practicing self-control, and more. We also call attention to positive behavior through our “Caught Being Good” program, which allows us to recognize and reinforce character traits like integrity, patience, grace, and helpfulness.

Middle School
High School

“From the minute we stepped through the doors of Southwest Florida Christian Academy, there has always been an energy of love and peace surrounding us. It’s hard to explain, but that positive first impression, that gut instinct of “this is it”…that feeling never went away and has only grown stronger with time. ”

– Katherine Knoche McGuigan, SFCA Parent

Building for Success

Research-Based Academics 

The world moves at lightning speed, so SFCA adjusts its technology and teaching methods to meet the needs of your child’s generation. We dive deep into educational research, so students can learn in a way that makes sense for them — all while offering a comprehensive curriculum that prepares students for top-notch colleges and careers.

At the elementary level, core skills are developed in: 

  • Live eggs and chickens
  • Robotic kits
  • Aquaculture tank 
  • Solar car races
  • Green screens for weather study
  • Interactive panels in each class

“It’s amazing to see how our holiday camps bring students together to fully engage with their heart, soul, mind, and strength. The connections they make and the joy they experience truly reflect the abundant life that Jesus calls us to.”

– Eddie Rogosich, Elementary PE Teacher

Personalized Learning

Dedicated teachers offer individualized instruction to meet each child’s learning needs. Kindergarten and first-grade classes are never larger than 20 students, with one teacher and one aide per class. In second through fifth grade, class sizes are capped at 23 students with one teacher.

Outstanding Enrichment Opportunities

As part of our whole-child approach, we want your child to have the chance to explore interests and talents early on in their educational journey. That’s why students can join intramural teams in soccer, flag football, volleyball, basketball, track, wrestling, and cheerleading. They also gain experience in music, art, and Spanish — and sometimes play roles in our drama program for older students.

Meet a Teacher

Amy Gainey

Degree: Florida State Certification with state reading endorsement, bachelor of arts

Teaching Experience: 10 years

“Being a first-grade teacher has been one of the most challenging and rewarding jobs. You are given the honor of teaching children at the beginning of their school experience. Your hope is to instill a love of learning and build a strong foundation that will carry them for years to come. Elementary students learn that ‘a mistake is only a mistake until you fix it.’ We work hard to become comfortable making mistakes and taking risks because that is how we learn and grow. I have always been (and will continue to be) impacted by each of the children I have taught. They amaze me with what they can accomplish and teach me so much daily. I would not give up being a teacher for anything in the world.”

See for Yourself

Schedule an on-campus elementary tour and see first-hand why families choose Southwest Florida Christian Academy for their kids.

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